Monday, January 25, 2010

Interview with Internet Marketing Expert Dave Conklin

I recently had an opportunity to do an interview with Internet marketing expert Dave Conklin. I wanted to offer my readers a different perspective on this topic for your consideration. Please read and enjoy and take a moment to visit Dave's web site.

What first got you into Internet Marketing?

I've always loved playing around on computers and staying on top of internet trends, but I first realized how beneficial internet marketing could be as a real estate agent. Tons of people go online to do research before picking a real estate agent, and I realized that I could generate leads online by offering them exactly what they wanted - info on their home's value, or the value of a home they were considering buying. That just got my mind turning with all the possibilities and opportunities marketing on the web could open up.

How long have you been at it?

Since the early 2000s. I really got in deep once my partners and I created, a lead generation and internet marketing company for real estate agents.

GetMyHomesValue was built strictly through internet marketing - no traditional advertising was really used - and it's made the Inc 500 list two years in a row - so that showed me just how important internet marketing is to the success of business. And I've been in love with it ever since!

So many things have changed in the SEO world, since you began. What, in your opinion, is the most interesting/integral part that you've seen?

The most exciting part of SEO and the internet marketing world is that it's always changing. The internet is constantly evolving, and SEO has to evolve with things that got you rankings 2 years ago, may not work as well today. As an Internet marketing speaker and consultant, I make sure to constantly research and adapt to the new and up and coming methods of SEO and web marketing to keep my clients at the top of their game.

I think one of the most interesting things I've seen is the development of social media and what it can mean for businesses - it opens up a whole new world of connecting with consumers and prospective consumers. Google and the other search engines have also been putting more weight on social media - you see a lot of Twitter and Facebook accounts showing up for search terms - Google has even incorporated real time tweets into some searches - it's just crazy, and there's so many ways it can be utilized to help businesses grow.

What aspect of your job keeps you coming in to work everyday?

I think you can probably use that above answer as well! The ever-changing nature keeps it exciting - you never know what's going to happen next. I also work with an awesome team of some of the most creative, intelligent, dedicated people I've ever worked with.

Sitting in a room, brainstorming creative marketing ideas for clients, everyone getting excited and jumping in with's a rush!

Just for fun: Do you have a favorite quote you live by?

If you don't risk anything, you risk even more.

What's one big secret to SEO you wouldn't mind sharing with us?

Getting 10 links from people that rank in the top 50 for the term that you're looking to rank for is better than 1500 links on low quality directories and such. Take the time to get to know those people and come up with ways that are mutually beneficial for you to exchange links on your site.

About Dave:

Dave Conklin is a nationally known internet marketing speaker,consultant, trainer and entrepreneur. Dave is also the co-founder of two very successful companies: and He is passionate about the internet marketing world and makes it his goal to aim high and get results. Find out more about Dave at