Let's face it some of the hardest working people are the tireless employees and volunteers of non-profit organizations. This economy stinks right now, which makes these wonderful people have to work even harder to keep from losing ground. We decided that we would focus one entire breakfast on their unique needs for marketing and communication by showing them how to use social media to communicate with their constituency, volunteers, donors, and the community.
These groups have such a great message to tell we hope that coming to our breakfast will help them learn how to tell it better and it in a different channel. This session would be a great learning experience for employees of non-profits, volunteers, and board members. If you fall into any of these categories you should take a morning and come and learn. You will walk away with a unique perspective of how to use this amazing communication channel to tell the world your story.
When: July 10th
Time: 8:00 A.M.
Where: Elks Lodge on Holland Sylvania in Sylvania
Cost: $15 advanced registration $20 at the door.
See you there!