I have written previously about having a purpose for your web site and offer a program called "The Purpose Driven Web Site". Without a well planned web site strategy your web site will probably be a dismal failure. To avoid this you need a purpose for your site and that purpose has to be clear to you and your audience. You should have a defined action you want them to take and a goal you want to accomplish and help your audience accomplish.
I think that purpose or goal is often interupted and often not completed because of poorly planned Flash elements that distract a user from doing what you hope they would, like say BUYING SOMETHING! If your Flash is costing you in lost sales and lower profits you need to read my most recent FREE position paper...
How Flash Is Costing You Money and Hurting Your Internet Marketing Strategy
I hope that those of you with Flash infected web sites will take the time to read this free white paper before it costs you too much in lost sales and profits. The choice is up to you and the clock in ticking. Lost time is lost opportunity. Read it today.
Michael Temple